Wow!  It’s February and spring has sprung already.
Spring is here!Walked out early the other morning and there was an amazing chorus of songbirds everywhere.  Robins, cardinals and wrens were visiting by the hundreds!  Their songs filled the air with a roar.  It was quite the sight!  Miss Kitty thought so too.
Don and I continue to work alot outside.  It has been a mild winter.  Some of the fruit trees have started to bloom.  With planting season around the corner, we are anxious to get the garden ready. I have been pruning shrubs and fruit trees and discovering fruit trees we didn’t know we had!   I bought some flowering bulbs, rhubarb and asparagus plants and will hopefully get them planted in the next week.  Don found and fixed a major water leak. He is just amazing and works so hard to make the park better everyday!  There is always a project going on.
Spring is here!We enjoyed a wonderful campfire night with our guests from Pennsylvania and their family from Prattville, welcoming their new grandson Chase.  Congratulations!  He is two weeks old and just darling. His big brothers had a great time too.  Even though it rained part of the time, we gathered around the campfire and under the gazebo and had a wonderful time.  The boys found the rain puddles, and being boys, had a great time in the mud!  Cathie showed me how to make mountain pies and they were delicious.  It was new to me, and I’ll have to find some pie irons to make some more for our summertime group campfires.  Cathie always has something yummy to eat!  It was alot of fun.
Thank you Ray and Cathie for staying with us and inviting us to spend time with your lovely family!  Many thanks to Ray too, for fixing the alternator in Don’s truck!
Spring is here!Another new for me was cooking a venison roast.  It was delicious and thank you Robbie for sharing with us.
Our daughter Amanda and her husband Thomas will be visiting over the holiday weekend.  We are anxious to see them.  It will be their first trip to visit us here at the park.
We are grateful for all our blessings, family, friends and wonderful guests!
Wishing you a blessed day!
Gigi and Don