Lots of fun was had by all on Cinco De Mayo. We had a great potluck, horseshoe games, campfire, marshmellows and pinata for the kids.
The local blue berries are also ripe and I went to Blue Berry Hill, just 5 minutes from the park, to pick a bucket full. Made a blue berry cobbler that was oh soooo good. There will be berries till about mid-June.

Midnight Rescue!! These adorable kittens were dropped off in the woods at the park. Don rounded them all up, gave them milk, food and a comfy place to sleep. Happily they will all be adopted!

We have been planting more flowers with the help of our wonderful neighbor. The Reverend has a huge, beautiful garden and generously gave us lots of flowers to transplant from his yard, which is really like a park. Bless you Reverend, you are amazing and inspire me! Bless my husband Don too. He is always working to make the park better!

Thank you bass fisherman from the military for staying with us during your tournament! We thank you for your service to our country!
As always, we enjoy meeting new guests to the park and miss our guests when they leave. We hope everyone has safe journeys!